Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dockers says "wear the pants"

Once upon a time, men wore the pants, and wore them well. Women rarely had to open doors and little old ladies never crossed the street alone. Men took charge because that’s what they did.

But somewhere along the way, the world decided it no longer needed men. Disco by disco, latte by foamy non-fat latte, men were stripped of their khakis and left stranded on the road between boyhood and androgyny.

But today, there are questions our genderless society has no answers for. The world sits idly by as cities crumble, children misbehave and those little old ladies remain on one side of the street. For the first time since bad guys, we need heroes. We need grown-ups. We need men to put down the plastic fork, step away from the salad bar and untie the world from the tracks of complacency.

It’s time to get your hands dirty. It’s time to answer the call of manhood.

It’s time to WEAR THE PANTS.

Every so often an ad is produced that actually says something, such as this recent one from Dockers. Sure, I realize that they're trying to sell pants, but the message they're putting across is refreshing. It flies in the face of the majority of ads these days that subtly hail the immature man -- the guy who dumps his girlfriend in favor of the ad's product, the guy who does whatever it takes to play video games all day, the guy who uses a certain fragrance -- such as Axe -- and is guaranteed a greater sexual prowess and multiple female partners, all with zero effort on his part -- this is the type of male that the media elevates and glorifies.

So men, wear the pants. You don't have to be a male chauvinist. But open doors for women, take charge, do the hard and the dirty work so others don't have to. Stand up for those who are not as strong as you, be willing to make the tough decisions. I think you'll find women more appreciative as a result.

Just remember to wear a good brand of pants while you're doing it.

1 comment:

  1. Lol. You're good at effective endings which always catch me off guard.
